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[1]S. Hu(胡双年) and Y. Li. 有限域上广义Markoff-Hurwitz-type方程的有理点. 浙江大学学报(理学版) 44 (2017) 516-519.

[2]S. Hu(胡双年)D. LianT. Diao and J. Liu. Further results on generalized LCM matrices.Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences 2   2(2017), 1-4.

[3]陈绍东,杜书德,仝云旭,奇异中立系统降维 滤波器的设计[J],吉林大学学报(理学版),55,51151-1157  2017.9



[6]ShaoDong Chen(陈绍东),Design analysis of a high-Q micromechanical capacitive  accelerometer  system,IEICE  Electronice  Express,20  17(SCI)

[7]ShaoDong Chen(陈绍东) Reduced-order filters for neutral systems  with distributed delays,Journal  of Discrete  Mathematical  Sci   ence and Cryptography,2017(EI索引)



[10]于育民, 朱玉清. 高校解析几何课程教学改革的实践与思考[J]. 赤峰学院学报(自然版), 2017, 33(12):209-210.

[11] 宋亮,熊博.60°坐标系下新型模块化多电平交流器空间矢量脉宽调制的简化通用算法《武汉大学学报》   2017/08      (中文核心) 

[12] 宋亮,冯金顺,程正兴. 多维Gabor框架的存在性与稳定性《山东大学学报》2017/08      (中文核心)

 [13] 宋亮,粱瑛 .刍议高校概率论课程教学改革《赤峰学院学报》2017/05

 [14] Guihua Li(李桂花), Yunxu Tong, Shaodong Chen, Reduced-order filter design for singular neutral systems with distributed delay[C], Pr      oceedings of the 36th Chinese Control Conference, Jyly 26-28, Dalian,3107-3111.(EI会议收录)

 [15] Diao Tianbo(刁天博)Analysis of Road Overtaking Model , 2016 3rd International Conference on Power and Energy systems[C], 2016.

 [16] 李瑞阁,庄元颖,万冰蓉.商家预测并应对销售风险的统计决策方法探究.中国市场.2017(29):123-125
